Get Summer adventure ready - Perfect for on the go fun - picnic perfection

Our Story

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When I was a little girl I wanted to be a teacher.  It was a clear path for me.  I studied elementary education and lived my dream for six years.  I loved my job.

In 2009, I was fortunate to become a mother and again in 2011. When my girls were toddlers we would pack up and head to the playground for what I thought was going to be a break.  A chance to catch up with a friend, sip on my coffee, relax for a second. Ummmmm......nope. Instead I was "reasoning" with them that they couldn't bring their favorite stuffed animals to the playground, or I was trying to improvise when they didn't want to sit on the grass or the bench with those holes that leave an imprint for hours.  They would whine if they thought the "warm" slide or swing was too hot. An idea started to form all those years ago that would become an inside joke amongst our friends.  

What if there was something that would make the experience better?  What if my kiddos could become a little bit more independent? What if I could actually have a conversation that was not in fragments?

Don't get me wrong, I love my girls more than anything on this planet, but sometimes, tired moms, dads or caretakers need a break!  As the years blurred by I heard a constant whisper.

This is something.  You can do it.  Leap.  Go for it.  Stop waiting.  

In October of 2018, that whisper became too loud to ignore. I woke up with fire in my heart. I was ready......but now what?  I do not have a business degree, marketing degree, product development degree or a bag of cash laying around the house.  But what I did have was passion, determination, eagerness, a positive attitude, some great friends who allowed me to ask one million questions and loads of patience. Patience to learn, to put in the work, and the guts to do it myself.  I just kept thinking, what did I have to lose?

To me, Playground Pets are much more than a backpack that can conveniently become a seat. Genius, right? Playground Pets are proof that the American Dream is alive and well.  You are capable of so much more than you think. Challenge yourself. Color outside the lines.  Dream so big it scares you.  I've got little eyes watching me and I plan to prove to those girls that they can be anything, they can do anything.  To the women who have paved the path and shattered the glass ceiling, I admire you, I respect you, I appreciate you, and I plan to join you.  

Sincere LOVE and GRATITUDE, 

Traci Pretzel
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